Squad servers have a long-standing bug where the TPS will "unlock" at a random time after running for more than 24 hours. This causes strange bugs, glitches, and performance issues that your players will notice and could put your license in jeopardy if this is an OWI-licensed server. To prevent this, it is recommended to restart your server every 24 hours.


To do so:

  1. Create a Schedule:
    1. Navigate to your server on our game control panel: https://control.psg-hosting.com.
    2. Open it and go to Configuration > Schedules.
    3. Click Create at the top right.
    4. Name your schedule something descriptive, like "Daily Restart".
    5. Use the cron builder to specify the time (in 24 hour format, not 12 hour). For this case, if you wanted your server to reboot at 3 AM you would enter 0 for the minute, 3 for the hour, and leave the other two boxes set to *.
    6. Click Submit to create the schedule.
  2. Create the task:
    1. At the top right, click Create Task.
    2. Leave action as Send power action.
    3. Leave time offset as 0.
    4. Set the Payload to Restart the server.
    5. Click Submit to save the task. Close the dialog.
  3. You can click the Trigger button to test the schedule. If successful, your server should restart.
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