What's new
Who's ready for summer time?! For a limited time, new customers will receive 50% off their newly ordered Squad servers for their first two months. That means that for 2 months you will enjoy our high quality service for only $40/month for 100 player servers! What are you...
Come one, come all, our new look has finally dropped and we hope you like it! Poke around our main website and let us know what you think in the #general channel on our official Discord. We'll soon be updating the look of our other websites such as this client portal and our c...
We are happy to announce that PSG Hosting is now the exclusive hosting partner for Squiders' Zeus Mod, which means you can easily and quickly deploy a new instance of Squad with Zeus Mod and the rest of the collection automatically. These instances come with our standard featur...
We've recently added Don't Starve Together to our offering lineup. Get yours today for just $10/month for 4GB of RAM, 20GB SSD, 1Gbps bandwidth, and unlimited players. https://psg-hosting.com/clients/store/dont-starve-together/...
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